Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Help - I need somebody - Not just anybody -

As many of you already know (or could probably guess) if you've seen one of my presentations, I am a member of MACUL (Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning). I just got my Spring Journal today, and was surprised to find an article by a colleague of mine on Google Searches.

I never would normally read an article on Google Searches, because, you know, it's Google - I get it already. But as I was reading the article, it hit me that people - and probably quite a few of them, at that - would find this to be a very useful article. It is very well written, and answers quite a few questions that I'm sure were floating around out there.

Which leads me to this blog entry. I tend to think that I am out of ideas on what to post in this blog, because I understand what I am doing. I take for granted that people already know how to podcast and are already using it in your classrooms (and maybe you are - good for you!). I really am in need of some ideas for future posts. If you have a question - no matter how small you think it might be - please comment/email me and ask it. I am writing this blog for all of you that read it out there, and I want to make sure that you are all getting something out of it.

Also, I am starting to put together my presentation schedule for the 2007-2008 (doesn't it look weird to write that - 2008!!!) school year. If you are interested in having me present at your next PD day, staff meeting, or conference, please email me here. I would be more than happy to present on any variety of topics - Podcasting, Constructivist Education/Future of Education, Web 2.0, Blogging, Website Creation/Moodle, my top 10 sites, etc. If you don't think that you can "afford" me - trust me, you probably can. Ask - and I will probably say yes if I can fit it into my schedule. My passion is teacher education, so I'm just thrilled to have an opportunity to help other teachers.

Thanks in advance for your comments. I'm so excited to answer any/all questions you might have. :)

Technorati Tags:
Beyond Podcasting, Education of the Future, Future Technology, Random

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